Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lubbock Police Department Party Patrol

For those of you who have been following the Lubbock Police Department's "Party Patrol" consider this. As you know the Lubbock PD has spend the fall semester with a very aggressive stance regarding noise violations and minor in possession tickets. The real problem has been that in an attempt to stop underage drinking the LPD has been accused of giving tickets to those minors who were not viewed by the police consuming or possessing alcohol.

We have seen cases that go so far as the potential of an officer entering the second story of a residence with a ladder after those inside refused to allow the officer entrance into the home. If true this is obviously illegal and a violation of the homeowners fourth amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures.

Recently the general manager of News Channel 11 of Lubbock in his "consider this" section agrees with the tactics of the LPD. His stance is simply another of the ends justifies the means mentality. I see this idea of do whatever it takes to fix the problem a lot with driving while intoxicated cases in Lubbock. I can say with great pride that as a Lubbock DWI trial attorney I will fight this mentality with every ounce of energy that I have.

I wonder if this gentleman will have a different view when the police enter his house one night at gunpoint without a warrant, get him and his wife out of bed, sit them on the curb in handcuffs and tell them that they are searching their home because the police had a call that he is a drug dealer. That is the problem with the ends justify the means mentality. It only works when you are not that the police consider the "means."

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